See what our customers have to say about UDDERMINT®

Aiden Power – Tipperary, Ireland
UDDERMINT works very well with the robots, the sensors help us pick out the troublesome quarters even earlier.

Rob Costello – Whalley Farm, Cheltenham
Its effect on a heifer’s udder is phenomenal! I’m convinced that using UDDERMINT on all our heifers for the first 2-3 days after calving helps them achieve their potential.

Alan Lowry – Penlow Farms, Almonte, Ontario, Canada
We’ve used UDDERMINT for several years to soften udders. We use it on fresh cows and heifers to help with oedema. By the next milking, we can see a difference.

Tim Gibson – British Farming Award Winner
Rubbing in UDDERMINT has been our first line of defence for over 20 years, especially since switching to robots 12 years ago. The robot’s conductivity sensors help us target the quarters even earlier and more accurately.

Ronnie & Jeff Maitland – Maitland Meadows Farm, Jasper ON, CANADA
We really appreciate UDDERMINT’s soothing effect on our cow’s udders. We find the 2.5L packaging cost effective.

Adrian Tripconey, Cornwall
“Amazing product!“

Chris Heath, Worcs (organic)
“I would struggle without it!“

Ed Drake, Exeter
“As hard working as we are!“

Eddie Gill, Co. Down.
“A great help, and easy to use“

Graham Gibbs, Bromsgrove (Organic)

James Buchanan, Bready, N Ireland.
“Great for udder health“

James Hollingshead, Leics.
“We always use Uddermint“

Jon Stanley, Shaftesbury
“I love the stuff!“

Louise Stone, Devon
“Wouldn’t be without it!“

Mr Cox, Leics.
“It’s always hanging in my dairy“

Mr Smith, Sharnford
“Third generation of the family using Uddermint“

Richard Weaver, Redditch
“Wouldn’t be without it“

Rob Stoner, Bicton College (Organic)
“The way forward“

Stuart Rogers, Gillingham
“Always part of the process at Longmoor Farm“

Tristan Hocking, Cornwall
“Wouldn’t use anything else!“